Website Editor:


Managing Directors: Joseph HELFRICH and Frédéric HELFRICH
Rheinhessenstraβe 25 – D- 55129 Mainz-Hechtsheim – Germany
Registered at the court of Mainz under number HRB 41 323

VAT number: DE 258 369 902

Tax number: 14064/74440

Contact form available under the link “CONTACT

Phone number: +49 (0) 6131 924-0

Director of the publication: Mrs Anne-Laure HELFRICH

Website host:

The Website is hosted by ECRITEL, a one-person simplified joint stock company whose registered office is located in Clichy (92110), France, 84 rue Villeneuve, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 332 484 021,

E-mail address:

Phone number: +33 (0)1 40 61 20 00

Creation and design of the Website:

The creator and designer of the Website is Agentur JUNG GmbH, with a capital of 25 000 euros, whose registered office is located in Kiel (24105), Germany, Niemannsweg 46, registered in the Kiel Trade and Companies Register under number HRB 8380 – VAT number: DE 251 658 492,


Phone number: +49 (0)431 99 02 94-0

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